Welcome to Steve’s Aspie Adventures

Whether you are reading this as a parent, carer, friend or are on the spectrum yourself, a warm welcome to the blog and I’d welcome your comments. I was diagnosed with an autism spectrum condition as a teenager. Throughout my life this has brought unique challenges, deep lows but also very happy times. I hope with this blog I can share some of my experiences, challenges and successes with you. My hope is that it can help along the way at breaking down some of the fears, misconceptions, stereotypes that come hand in hand with Autism by giving an insight into what it’s like as an individual living with the condition.

At times when I’m affected most by my condition life can grind to a halt, but that has given me a drive to experience all I can when I’m feeling well. Travel brings a new perspective on life and the experiences it brings have made my good days even better and given hope in my bad days. For me it’s a metaphorical middle finger to a life-long condition. In my other blog (Roaming Steve) I share some stories of my travel and adventures.

I hope you enjoy reading this blog. Feel free to share this with your friends if you've found it helpful. I'd love to hear your thoughts, any topics you'd like to read about and own experiences so please comment or message me.

Please note, that in all my blog entries I can only relay my personal experiences and perspective. It is important to remember that every single person on the spectrum is an individual with a different story to mine. I have no medical expertise or training and am writing to share my personal experiences only.

Friday, 14 November 2014

My Aspie Moments - A Photo journal of some of my more 'autistic' moments

I take a lot of photos, I enjoy capturing the memories and moments of life and it is great to look back and remember some of the fun adventures had. Back in 2009 I started a New Year's project to take a photo each day, something interesting or significant about the day to remember it by. It struck me that it was the uneventful and routine days that brought back the fondest memories, times with friends and family but also capturing some of my 'autistic' traits. I would like to share some of these with you in this week's blog. Perhaps you can relate to some of these, perhaps this is a new insight for you but either way I do hope you enjoy this week's delve into some of my aspie moments...

You often feel left outside of social groups...

When you're overloaded your words come out in a random order...

But you'll find good friends who accept your quirks...

And when you're with them you know how to have a good time...

There is always an escape route planned in case things get too much when going out socialising...

You get used to spending time with yourself...

Sometimes you just need time alone to take in the world...

And that's fine because being alone is great!...

Sometimes life can feel precarious...

You can't always read the warning signs when things are going wrong in your life...

The world can seem scary and full of danger...

So you plan ahead and keep a routine...

You like things neat and in order...

When you want to unwind you always have the best reading materials at hand...

And know how to play the best games...

And at the end of the day you know that being autistic is awesome...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome stuff! That's high praise coming from a fellow writer/blogger and aspie
